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What are we trying to achieve through our curriculum…

The intent of physical education (PE) at Ryhope Junior School is to provide a curriculum that is inspiring, through high quality PE lessons ensuring National Curriculum coverage, where children are able to succeed and, if possible, excel in competitive sport and physical activities. Our curriculum will develop the children’s fundamental movement skills and competence in a broad range of physical activities.

Furthermore, our PE curriculum instils a love of physical activity, encourages healthy and active lifestyles, and promotes the importance of physical and mental well-being. The intent is to ensure that all pupils have access to high-quality PE provision, inclusive of all abilities and backgrounds, and to foster a lifelong appreciation for physical activity.


How our curriculum is delivered…

Ryhope Junior School’s implementation of PE is characterised by a comprehensive and well-structured curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils. This includes a wide range of activities such as games, gymnastics, dance, athletics, outdoor adventurous activities, and swimming. The implementation ensures that there is a balance between individual, team, and competitive activities, enabling pupils to develop physical skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship.

At Ryhope Junior School, we also foster positive attitudes towards a healthy and active lifestyle through regular physical activity on the school playground and a focus on personal development. Furthermore, high-quality teaching and learning are central to the implementation, with teachers having high-quality subject knowledge and a good understanding of how to assess and support pupils in making progress.

Moreover, the implementation includes the promotion of cross-curricular links, such as linking PE with subjects like mathematics (measuring performance data) and science (understanding the body and how it responds to exercise) as well as PSHE and RSE. This encourages a holistic approach to pupils' overall development and attainment.


The difference our curriculum is making…

At Ryhope Junior School, the impact of the PE curriculum is evident in the physical development, health, and well-being of all pupils. Pupils demonstrate a high level of skill development and physical literacy across a range of activities, showcasing progress in both individual and team-based pursuits. Furthermore, pupils exhibit a positive attitude towards physical activity.

The impact of our PE curriculum is also seen in the improved behaviour, confidence, and self-esteem of pupils, leading to a positive influence on their overall academic achievement. Pupils are able to demonstrate resilience, determination, and respect for others through physical activity, contributing to their personal, social, and emotional development. Moreover, the curriculum promotes a culture of inclusion and equality, with every pupil being given opportunities to succeed and excel, irrespective of their background or abilities.

We are an award winning school!

Pupil voice
