Welcome to Ryhope Junior School. I am Fiona Lynn and I am proud to be the headteacher of this amazing school. We want all children in our school to thrive and be ready for the next stage in their education. This is captured in our school motto 'Learn to Live'.
We talk to the children lots about demonstrating that they are ‘Ryhope Ready’ by showing us that they are able to
These fundamental skills and attributes enable children to reach their true potential. Raising aspirations and promoting a love of learning is embedded in our daily life at RJS. We have an excellent, highly skilled and qualified staff team which support all children in our school, this includes dedicated teachers, support staff, a Mental Health Lead, Early Help Worker and many more.
By working as a strong team we build effective and close working partnerships with our families so that we can deliver the highest quality of education to our children. Staff are at the gates each morning to welcome the children and this time also allows up to talk to family members.
Learning is not limited to the classroom, we offer small group provision to further support and challenge the ability of our children and work with local community stakeholders, industries and universities to give our children a wide range of experiences and opportunities.
We are a busy school offering a wrap around facility for breakfast club and afterschool from 8am-5pm each day.
Children arrive ready for the school day knowing that their ideas and suggestions will be heard. Pupil voice and the opportunity for children to be involved and responsible for changes and improvements in the school are really important to us. All children in our school have an opportunity to contribute to school life and team RJS! We have working parties attached to each subject such as Arts Ambassadors, Singing Squad, Reading Ambassadors, Ryhope Rangers who meet with the lead teachers and governors regularly to share their views and ideas on how we can further enhance the subject across the school and wider community – the children really value being a key part of the decision making and have come up with fantastic ideas so far!
I hope you find our website useful and informative. If you would like any further information about our school, or have any queries, please do not hesitate in contacting me either in person, by telephone or email.
Mrs F. Lynn